Grab the nearest book.
Open it to page 56.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST. links for 2008
- 3d
- addon
- album
- algorithm
- animal
- animation
- archive
- audio
- b.a.t.m.a.n.
- bayes
- birthday
- board
- book
- brainiac
- camera
- canon
- cartoon
- cat
- chat
- chdk
- chemnitz
- client
- club
- clubeclub
- code
- comic
- control
- coroutine
- cover
- crime
- cryptography
- cube
- cuda
- culture
- dango
- debian
- debug
- debugger
- delicious
- design
- documentary
- dotslash
- download
- drupal
- dvd
- editor
- education
- electricity
- electronic
- engine
- exil
- experimental
- extension
- eye
- fam
- festival
- fiction
- fints
- firefox
- firmware
- flash
- flyff
- food
- freeware
- game
- gangsign
- geek
- geeksaufen
- gems
- german
- getreidemarkt
- gigapixel
- git
- gnupg
- gpl
- gpu
- graph
- graphic
- gui
- guild
- guitar
- hack
- hanycorner
- hardware
- hbci
- hellokitty
- html
- humor
- impressum
- insulting
- integration
- itcrowd
- japan
- japanese
- katze
- kde
- kernel
- laptop
- lastfm
- lecture
- linux
- linuxtage
- localorez
- mailinglist
- map
- marketing
- meat
- minesweeper
- minimal
- mobile
- montypython
- myspace
- news
- newtonsche
- nicht-newtonsche
- nvidia
- opensource
- opentechsummittaiwan2008
- optimisation
- partypixx
- people
- person
- pet
- photo
- physic
- picard
- pink
- plugin
- powermanagement
- presentation
- privacy
- programming
- puppet
- python
- quake3
- rc
- recht
- reference
- regal
- rfc
- rip
- rtmpt
- sachsen
- sarg
- search
- searchengine
- security
- shader
- shop
- simon
- snippet
- social
- software
- spam
- speedup
- sport
- starwars
- statistic
- stock
- streetfighter
- suchmaschinen
- sushi
- sysadmin
- teamspeak
- techno
- technology
- telemarketing
- todo
- toronto
- tortoise
- tortoisecvs
- tortoisesvn
- unix
- vader
- vegetarian
- versionnumber
- video
- visualization
- voip
- water
- web
- webdesign
- windows
- wine
- wrapper
- youtube
- zombie links for 2007
- accessibility
- algorithm
- archaeology
- assembly
- ball
- band
- book
- cat
- chemnitz
- clt08
- code
- cooking
- coolurl
- css
- delicious
- design
- dso
- electricity
- elf
- experiment
- food
- freeware
- game
- gaming
- geeksaufen
- genetic
- git
- glowing
- gnupg
- green
- hardware
- history
- html
- humor
- i18n
- intel
- jazz
- katze
- l10n
- laptop
- lastfm
- linux
- machine
- meeting
- minimal
- muffin
- musik
- object
- office
- opensource
- photo
- pro7
- programming
- proof
- qgit
- qt
- reference
- sachsen
- semantic
- signing
- software
- sort
- standard
- subversion
- technology
- tip
- turing
- tutorial
- unix
- usability
- usability.qt4
- versioncontrol
- w3c
- web
- webdesign
- workshop
- xhtml
- xml
- zombie